
Corrected entry: Klaatu states that he traveled 250 million miles. Yet, the nearest stars are trillions of miles away. Scientist at the time knew that Mars and Venus were unlikely to harbor life. (00:13:27)

Larry Koehn

Correction: While not strictly accurate, this was expected terminology for films at that time.


Correction: He was probably from Ceres, the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt.

Corrected entry: Klaatu neutralizes the electricity all over the world for 30 minutes at high noon Washington DC time. The Sun however was shining brightly in England and Russia at that same moment in the film. (01:02:20)

Larry Koehn

Correction: This is possible, if the scene relates to the middle of summer then noon Washington DC time is 5pm in the UK and 8pm USSR time so it's quite possible to be bright and sunny - sunset in late June is around 9pm in London and 10pm in Moscow.


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