
Question: In Shelob's tunnel, right before Frodo lights Earendil, he says something in Elvish. What did he say? The only word I caught was Earendil.

Answer: He says, "Aiya Earendil elenion ancalima" which translates into, "Hail, Earendil, Brightest of the stars."


Chosen answer: It sounds like "Hannon le," which means "Thank you."


Question: Was Legolas at the Battle of the Last Alliance with Elrond and Co? He is old enough, and a good enough fighter.

Answer: No one actually knows how old Legolas is, but if he is as old as Peter Jackson says (2,963 yrs I think) then that would mean Legolas would have been born in the beginning of the Third Age; years after the Last Alliance took place. His father, Thranduil, however, did fight in that battle.


Question: Do we know who the guy holding the flag is when our main characters ride up to the Black Gates?

Answer: It's more than likely he's just a higher ranked soldier representing Gondor, as Faramir couldn't go.


Question: We know that Saruman and his tower remain standing, despite the flood... so how did the Palantir end up in the water? Did Saruman throw it out of the tower?

rabid anarchist

Chosen answer: Saruman did throw the palantiri. It's a missing scene that will, hopefully, be edited back in for the Extended Edition.


Question: At one point in the movie, Pippin has to sing for Denethor. I've heard that while the music was composed by Billy Boyd, the lyrics were actually from the book. Does anybody know which song in the book they were taken from?

kendra jackson

Chosen answer: The song is called "A Walking Song." It's in Chapter three (Three is Company) of Book 1 in Fellowship of the Ring. Mainly they used the last stanza in the movie.


Question: At the end of film, when the hobbits and Gandalf go to the Grey Havens, Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn are also there. Behind them is another person who disappears after the others board the ship (I assume he boarded also). He looks to me like one of the elves who received the three rings, shown in the prologue of the first film. Could this perhaps be Cirdan or Gil-galad?

Answer: It would be Cirdan the Shipwright. Gil-Galad was killed in the Last Alliance.


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