
22nd Jan 2005

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Question: In the answer to another question, this DVD was supposed to be coming out on September 6th. But I still can't find it at my local video store. Is my town just to small to have bothered ordering it in (I live way out in the sticks) or is it not being released for general hire in Australia? (PLEASE answer, I missed this at the cinema and, as a devoted fan of Simon Pegg, Dylan Moran and British comedy in general, am desperate to get a hold of it).

Answer: September 6th was the release for it on DVD in the U.K. not Australia. Its release in Australia for DVD is scheduled for the 9th of March. An Australian online rental company can be found here:


Question: I seem to remember there was an episode of 'Spaced' where Tim (Pegg's character) plays 'Resident Evil 2' for too long and starts seeing zombies everywhere as a result. Did that influence this film in any way or is it just an interesting coincidence?

Answer: In an interview I saw recently they stated that the Resident Evil scene in Spaced was the beginning point of the film but not the inspiration. They decided to use the idea of zombies in a full length film.


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