
18th Feb 2022

Scream (1996)

Trivia: In Tatum's room there is a black and white headshot of television actor Grant Goodeve. In the script Tatum explains she's always had a crush on Goodeve and that she'd fantasize that the title to his sitcom "Eight is Enough" was secretly a reference to his penis size.


1st Feb 2022

Scream (1996)

Trivia: A strange urban legend went around shortly after the film's release claiming the various references to Sharon Stone in this film were because Stone had once seduced and had an affair with Wes Craven's wife.


31st Jan 2022

Scream (1996)


Trivia: The first wave of ads for Scream worked hard to downplay that it was a slasher film. There were no clear shots of the killer in costume and emphasis was put on the killer's phone calls and characters trying to solve the mystery. Ads described it as a "thriller" and Wes Craven a "master of suspense" (rather than horror). Later ads proudly touted how "scary" and "terrifying" the movie was but still refrained from showing the killer's costume or using the word "horror."


10th Nov 2021

Scream (1996)

10th Nov 2021

Scream (1996)

Trivia: The lines in which the characters compare Sidney to Meg Ryan and Tori Spelling are leftovers from when Drew Barrymore was slated to play Sidney, who was specifically described as blonde in the script. Of course, when Tori Spelling actually appeared in Scream 2, it wasn't anything a little hair dye couldn't fix.


10th Nov 2021

Scream (1996)

Trivia: Sidney was specifically blonde in the script. When Drew Barrymore switched roles from Sidney to Casey, it caused an odd ripple effect on the cast's various hair colors. It was decided to cast a brunette (Neve Campbell) for Sidney to give her a distinct look from Casey. In turn, Rose McGowan decided to dye her hair blonde so that her character, Tatum, would look more distinct from Sidney.


24th Sep 2021

Scream (1996)

Trivia: A scene near the end required Skeet Ulrich to throw a phone receiver in frustration, and he wound up accidentally hitting Matthew Lillard in the back of the head with it, prompting Lillard to yell at him, "You hit me with the phone, dick!" Wes Craven found this so hilarious that he decided to use that take in the film.


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