
31st Oct 2021

Crisis (2021)

Revealing mistake: Sledding down the hill, the "kid" noticed the upcoming cliff, but an aerial view of the "kid" lying in the snow after he rolled off his sled did not show a distinct cliff/ledge, just a snow embankment (piled - or plowed! - against trees/brush). (00:02:48)


31st Oct 2021

Crisis (2021)

Revealing mistake: The "kid" drug runner/courier who was fleeing Canadian Police/Border Patrol (riding snowmobiles and accompanied by dogs and a helicopter) was quite close to the cliff when he started rolling off his sled, but he was further back when the camera shifted to a rear shot showing him rolling to a stop. The kid's distance from the edge was inconsistent other times, as well, such as when he raised his hands for the police. (00:02:43)


30th Oct 2021

Crisis (2021)

Revealing mistake: There was already a gap in the snow mounds (which looked like a snow sledding path with no fresh tracks) when the "kid" was sledding down the steep hill. (00:02:40)


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