
Gigi: You know what this is, Alex? For every gallon of crude oil sucked from this Earth comes 15 gallons of...? Water. No good to any living thing.
Alex: What's wrong with it?
Gigi: Besides the fact that it's radioactive?
Alex: You're joking.
Gigi: Is cancer a joke?
Alex: What's it doing here?
Gigi: Evaporating, percolating, and it travels.


Gigi: Gentlemen, I've come to find that the Devil has a name. If you're growing apples, you're in Eden. Almonds, you're east, central California to be exact. There are 53 different types of nuts in the world. He was one of them. (00:04:12)


Gigi: The devil's not the devil unless he takes his due. (01:21:18)


Fred: You know how much money they made poisoning my water? $2.1 billion - and that's just one year
Aegis: Over 10 years?
Fred: At least
Aegis: Hmm... I'd say they owe you at least one year.


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