
Continuity mistake: Christie battled the musclehead molesters and her love interest didn't lift a finger to help. He then abuses his cop powers driving her around without her consent; the boulevard he's driving through changes between shots. (00:25:15)


Continuity mistake: After the aerobics class, Christie tells her friendly cop stalker that coffee is bad for his health. In that particular shot she has a sweaty lock of hair sticking to her neck. In the rest of the scene her bouffant 80s hair is styled differently. (00:22:55)


Continuity mistake: When the cops surround the black ninja 'mortally' wounded and still find a way to get killed, the dangerous ninja is in full sunlight in the first angle, then he's in the shade. (00:10:45)


Continuity mistake: After failing to outrun the patrol car on the dirt road (without attempting to lose it in the tree or anything), the ninja turns around and jumps over it. The younger cop in the passenger seat raises his hand and sticks it out of the window; it's there in two shots, and not in the close-up. (00:06:45)


Revealing mistake: As the ninja starts mowing down people left and right before his victim tries to run him over with the horsepower of a little golf cart, you can see his sword is not actually hitting anybody, even when he's supposed to be stabbing and slashing them. (00:04:00)


Continuity mistake: When the first victim of the ninja arrives at the designated spot for the ambush, he stops the golf cart and in a long shot he reaches for his club. In the closer angle the girl on the cart is in a pose inconsistent with what previously shown, and moments later he asks the bodyguards to help him search the ball, holding the club in a pose that changes at the cut. (00:03:30)


Other mistake: Ron Foster appears in the end credits as "Jiminiz", but his name tag much more logically says "Jimenez." (01:29:50)


Other mistake: When the two caucasian heroes smile back at their new asian friend at the end of the movie, you can see that Lucinda Dickey's hair looks somewhat blacker and with a thicker front bang. She's wearing a wig, since it was a later reshoot, and she had already cut her hair short for her role in Breakin' (which was shot later despite ending up being released before this movie). (01:29:00)


Revealing mistake: During the final earthquake, the camera shakes vigorously but not a single blade of grass or leaf moves in the slightest. (01:27:00)


Stupidity: If the ninja can inhabit a dead body (and one that has been dead for a LONG time, even) without any penalty in his agility and powers and it is stated that only another ninja can truly kill him (which surely seems correct, since he would still fight even when hit by hundreds of bullets), the whole movie plot that involves him possessing Christie - who is a reluctant and part-time host - does not quite make sense.


Other mistake: During the final fight, the Black Ninja (which confusingly enough is the one wearing green, and the ninja in black is the good guy) in some shots wears pale white cadaver makeup around the eyes, and in other does not. His fingers are also constantly of a healthy color.


Other mistake: During the movie it had been made clear that Christie would pick up bruises and black spots from the fights, and they wouldn't heal in minutes. However, Lucinda Dickey's face is spotless when Jordan Bennett finds her at the temple, and she had a big shiner and cuts during the earlier scene at her house. (01:23:20)


Revealing mistake: During the fight of the monks that happens on the double squared platform, part of spear gets chopped and flies around the set like it's made of the most flimsy material. (01:21:40)


Revealing mistake: Fight with the possessed monks; Sho Kosugi reluctantly kicks the first one, then he has two in front of him; fighting the leftmost one, he hits him with a great kick, but then his backhand is miles away from connecting. (01:21:15)


Other mistake: If you look at the monks when they're training, there are no twins with a goatee amongst their ranks, but when Sho Kosugi has to fight them because the Black Ninja somehow gained the ability to shoot fireballs that turn evil, you can see that he fights and knocks out the same dude thrice, or at the very least he gets up instantly between shots. Also, they were all together when possessed, but somehow they come at him from different parts of the temple. (00:01:16 - 01:21:05)


Continuity mistake: When Yamada causes Christine to faint and release the evil spirit, her body lies on the floor at an ever-changing angle throughout the scene (her feet are pointing 4 o'clock initially, but when the Black Ninja becomes the Zombie Black Ninja they are at 6, and they are at 8 when Yamada looks at the possessed monks). (01:19:25)


Continuity mistake: Christie enters the temple on the hill. When she approaches the altar, the red cloth is draped over it in differently from before. Similar mistakes (although nowhere nearly as blatant) happen between cuts when Ninja Christie and Yamada fight in front of the corpse. A HUGE instance of the mistake though happens when the evil spirit migrates from Christie's body to its previous host, though; the body was fully covered by the red shroud, and then not at all. (01:17:40 - 01:19:35)


Continuity mistake: The police arrives at the house under construction with three patrol cars. Watch as the cops get out of the cars and take position; their positions do change between shots - for instance, one cop stands behind the open passenger door of the car in front of him, and in the next shot he's still running towards it, and the guy behind the driver seat-side door of the other car points the gun with both hands first, then just one. (01:10:55)


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