
Question: How could the Allegiant General know for sure that General Hux was the spy? Was there something that revealed Hux?


Answer: He saw through the trick that Hux was pulling, being shot in a non-vital spot. He probably did not know 'for sure' but it's a scene that has the purpose to depict him as astute and ruthless. Let's say chances were very high that Hux was the spy (high ranking, with a disdain for the Supreme Leader, and now he conveniently lets the prisoner escape) and he had such disregard for human life that he had no second thoughts about a slim chance of murdering an innocent - and in best case scenario, incompetent - officer.


Question: Gaston sings that he ate eggs to help him get large. Why didn't he say meat? Was he vegetarian? Was Disney deliberately supporting vegetarianism/respecting vegetarians? Are there any historical circumstances that I'm not aware of? Or am I just overanalyzing this matter?


Answer: In addition to eating meat, eggs would be a more readily available and cheap protein source in the village.


Answer: Eggs are full of protein. Eating a lot of eggs is an excellent way to bulk up and build muscle mass.


Eggs are not good for you if you eat too many of them.

To quote Stephen Fry: "Well of course too much is bad for you, that's what "too much" means. If you had too much water it would be bad for you, wouldn't it? "Too much" precisely means that quantity which is excessive, that's what it means. Could you ever say "too much water is good for you"? I mean if it's too much it's too much. Too much of anything is too much. Obviously." That aside, while it used to be believed that the cholesterol content of eggs was a health risk, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol levels for most people. As such there's no real maximum limit on egg consumption beyond the aforementioned "too much of anything is too much".

I don't think Gaston cares much about his cholesterol.


They didn't even know the word.


Answer: While I was waiting for this question to be accepted, I found the answer to one of my questions myself. Gaston is indeed not vegetarian, considering he mentions his hunting trophies during the aforementioned song and earlier in the movie, he tells Belle to imagine him roasting his kill on the fire place.


14th Oct 2019

2012 (2009)

Question: As Jackson manages to get hold of the map that leads to the arks in China, he tells Gordon, his ex-wife and kids that they'll need a bigger plane. Why do they need a bigger plane? (01:05:00)


Answer: The small plane they were flying on would likely not have the range to get across the Pacific to Tibet, even assuming there were still intact islands where it was possible to refuel.

Answer: Probably because there are now more passengers being carried, more supplies are needed to be brought along, and a bigger plane can carry more fuel and travel farther.


Question: Does anyone have a clue why Anakin Skywalker from The Phantom Menace was given a normal sized body instead of a shorter one like other smaller characters in the game?


Answer: Originally they were not. The earliest Lego Star Wars sets had normal sized legs.

Answer: Because they are Lego. Most Lego men regardless of age or species are the exact same size.

Quantom X

Characters who are significantly smaller/shorter (typically young children) are usually depicted with shorter legs in Lego games, those type of legs which aren't rotatable and doesn't have holes in them (excluding the bottom of their feet). Yoda and Boba Fett (From Attack of the Clones), on the other hand, has those type of legs in the game.


At the time of Phantom Menace, Lego did not have those short legs. By the time Attack of the Clones was released, they had developed them. The use of long legs for Anakin is accurate.

12th Sep 2019

I Am Legend (2007)

Question: While Will Smith was burying his deceased dog, I remember him taking some pills. Were the pills intended to decrease his sadness for his loss/keep him from going insane of him now being totally alone?


Answer: I think it was opiate pain pills. I'd imagine he would stock up on them. And hurt his leg. He chewed them up like they were that for sure.

Answer: I'd say they are just painkillers, seeing how he just casually chucks a whole bunch down like skittles. If you do that with antidepressant or something like Ritalin (to keep you awake) your heart will stop. He probably has a headache.


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