
26th Jun 2012

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: When Blade is rescuing Karen from the hospital, the police mistakenly believe he is kidnapping her and proceed to open fire on him while he is carrying her, and then again when he jumps to the rooftop across the street. Police officers would not fire freely at a suspect when his supposed hostage is in such close proximity due to the obvious risk of accidentally shooting the hostage.


Correction: Blade mentions later to Karen that the vampires own "half of downtown" and we also see that at least one cop is a familiar. So it's not unlikely that the cops in the hospital are also familiars and know who Blade is, and therefore have little regard for any "hostage" of his.

Correction: And Whistler even mentions to Karen that the vampires "own the police."


11th Aug 2005

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: When Blade and Karen are in the room of manuscripts, Quinn comes in with a load of guys. When one of the guys loses a hand by holding Blade's sword, there's blood all over the handle of the sword, yet, the next time we see the sword, there's no blood at all. (00:50:45 - 00:52:30)


Correction: It turned to ash - whenever a vampire gets a limb cut off or killed they disintegrate into ash. Same thing happens with their blood.


12th Nov 2008

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie when all the head Vampires are lined in a circle, one of the Vampires is talking to Arly Jover's vampire character. She gets angry at him and stabs him through the stomach with Blade's sword, then she kicks him into the wall where he turns into ashes upon impact. Now if he is one of the head vampires, wouldn't killing him effect the "La-Magra" awakening?

Correction: If you look closely there's 13 pure-bloods - they obviously brought a spare from the same house, in case something happened.


Correction: He wasn't one of the important ones.

2nd Sep 2004

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: If Whistler said that Blade and he were not trying to take this war to the streets, how come Blade takes out a gun on the streets and starts shooting at the fake policeman working for Frost?

Correction: Blade doesn't seem to really care about the 'sugar coated world' and is more focused on killing vampires and their human servants. Frost is a particular obsession for both Whistler and Blade so its possible that Blade's only objective is finding and killing Frost, regardless of how he does it.

Correction: He didn't shoot his gun out in the streets, he just pulled it out and threatened the officer. He only puts it down after he loses visual of him when he runs away.


2nd Aug 2005

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: At the end of the first fight scene when Blade has nailed Quinn to the wall, why doesn't he disintegrate having been nailed to the wall with the silver stakes as other vampires had before?

Correction: Blade himself expresses surprise at having difficulty killing Quinn, and says that silver's not worked before, hence trying fire this time. He would have stayed around to check the job was finished but the police showed up.

Jon Sandys

Correction: The reason he didn't disintegrate was because both times the silver stakes got him in the shoulders, Blade even says later to Karen "aim for the head or the heart"


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