
19th Jul 2022

Wonder Woman (2017)

Corrected entry: Ares as the God of War always wanted people fighting as he revelled in this. This change up of him wanting all people dead makes no sense.


Correction: (1) The writers are allowed to alter characters and motivations. They don't have to stick with the rules of the original mythological figure. (2) Ares also explicitly states that he wants to eradicate humanity through war (which is kind of his thing, anyways) because it will help earth return to the "paradise" it was before them, so he has a clear motivation. He hates humans and wants the world to return to what it once was before they arrived, and as the god of war, he wants to use war to destroy them. It makes perfect sense in the context of this story even if it doesn't fit in with the classic mythological figure.


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