Charles Miller

6th Feb 2017

Arrival (2016)

Corrected entry: The Heptapods, it is learned late in the film, have a totally different perception of time. The Heptapods see the past, present and future simultaneously (Heptapods can see at least 3000 years in the future). Only late in the film does Louise realise that learning the Heptapod language has changed the way she thinks; and she, too, starts to perceive the future (even using information from the future to stop a war in the present). Major problem. If the Heptapods can perceive the future like this, then they should already be able to communicate in human languages rather easily, having already seen first contact and 3000 years thereafter, which negates about 90% of the plot of this film.

Charles Miller

Correction: The Hetapods' understanding of human language is not relevant because the entire point of communicating the way they did was designed to force human beings to overcome their tribal political and social differences so that they could be a united world capable of provide help in the future. The only way to achieve that was to have complicated interactions with each leading nation that led to conflict. That conflict was put aside when Dr. Louise Banks convinces the USA to provide Russia and other nations the "weapon" of the Hetapod language. Giving the language over was a peaceful gesture of friendship and unity. Lastly, the Hetapods can only operate in a manner consistent with the future they see because if you know the future, you must act in a manner consistent with how it unfolds. If you don't, you can alter the future. This is why the Hetapods do not stop the explosion that kills one of them. They already know this is going to happen, and to stop it would alter the future.

Why can't they alter the future? What's the point of knowing the future if you're not going to act on your knowledge to change the bad thing ahead? They acted on their knowledge of something bad happening in 3,000 years and decided to communicate with humans to help them, so they did alter the future.

Corrected entry: When Kirk hijacks the USS Enterprise from space dock, Captain Styles gives pursuit in the USS Excelsior, and Styles radios a warning to Kirk: "If you do this, you'll never sit in a captain's chair again!" Of course, Kirk is a Starfleet Admiral, not a captain, so sitting in a captain's chair is the least of Kirk's concerns.

Charles Miller

Correction: Captain Styles is basically saying that Kirk will be court marshalled if he carries on with stealing the Enterprise.

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