
Corrected entry: Blofeld advertises his clinic as being able to cure allergies by hypnotism and counseling. This is rubbish - an allergy is the body's own immune system overreacting to a foreign protein; it has nothing to do with feelings of revulsion or fear. (In fact, that's a phobia.) Blofeld's claims are bound to cause widespread suspicion and investigation, something an International Criminal Mastermind could probably live without.

Correction: Wrong. Blofeld does NOT advertise his clinic. It is a privately owned mountaintop laboratory used as front for him to develop his virus. None of the test subjects he is using are filing any complaints against him, so there would be no investigation. As for hypnotism curing allergies, he is obviously curing them using conventional means and only telling them that they must be hypnotized to be cured; then programming them to spread the virus while they are under hypnosis.


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