
26th Aug 2009

Spaceballs (1987)

Corrected entry: When Lone Starr and Barf rescue Vespa and Dot early in the film, Barf descends down a ladder to the roof of the Mercedes. The door opens up, he introduces himself, etc. and then he, Vespa, and Dot climb up the ladder with Vespa's luggage. This entire scene is completely impossible because both Vespa (human) and Barf (half dog, half human) would not be able to survive in outer space without an astronaut-type suit. The average temperature in outer space is approximately -455 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, space is a near vaccuum, so there would be no air to breathe. Thus, Barf would've never been able to make it out of the Winnebago to rescue Vespa and Dot alive.

Brittle Fingers

Correction: In this parody of the Star Wars films it is logical to assume that Lone Starr's Winnebago has shields that it can extend around Vespa's ship. Force fields are used extensively in the Star Wars saga to maintain an oxygen atmosphere in areas that are open to space.


Correction: This is a slapstick comedy movie, and Barf casually entering the vacuum of space without a suit is the filmmakers giving the middle finger to reality for the purpose of a joke.


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