
16th Jul 2015

Minions (2015)

Corrected entry: It is revealed that the moon landing is fake and filmed by Stanley Kubrick in this movie, and we see an entire set built for it. Yet in the first Despicable Me, Gru is watching the moon landing on T.V. as a child, and the entire set we see is different than what we see in "Minions" including the different looking astronauts and the different camera positions.


Correction: Obviously NASA had Mr Kubrick film multiple 'landings' as the Apollo programme progressed. The scene you see being filmed here, taking place a year before the first 'landing', must be a rehearsal.

16th Jul 2015

Minions (2015)

Corrected entry: The minions emerge from the sewers to find themselves on Abbey Road while The Beatles are having their photo taken, but the picture of The Beatles walking on Abbey Road was actually taken in 1969, one year after this movie takes place.


Correction: That is not the Abbey Road shoot the minions gatecrash - it isn't even Abbey Road. None of the Beatles wore pinstripes during the shoot, and the fourth man (who stamps the manhole cover shut) is clean shaven - George had a full beard at the time. The famous white Volkswagen isn't there and the extensive parkland and huge trees on either side of Abbey Road have disappeared, replaced with houses and shops. There are four white lines on the road where the minions appear, six on the Abbey Road crossing. There is no manhole cover anywhere near the Abbey Road crossing.

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