Allister Cooper, 2011

17th Dec 2007

Goodfellas (1990)

Trivia: In the film, Paulie had a younger brother, Tuddy. True in real life, but Paulie also had an older brother, Lenny, and another younger brother. Incidentally, the real Tuddy limped because he had a missing leg - he lost it in the Korean War.

Allister Cooper, 2011

10th Dec 2007

The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist trivia picture

Trivia: Author and writer of the book and script William Peter Blatty has a cameo early in this film. He plays the producer trying to have a word with director Burke Dennings on the movie set before Burke turns his attention to Chris MacNeil. William Peter Blatty is the middle eastern-looking guy with the black hair and moustache, which is natural since his mother is originally from Lebanon.

Allister Cooper, 2011

8th Dec 2007

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Trivia: When Mr White and Mr Orange hijack a car, the driver, a woman, takes a gun and shoots Mr Orange, who shoots her back. That woman is Tim Roth's [Mr Orange] dialogue coach who trained him - a Brit - to speak with an American accent.

Allister Cooper, 2011

5th Dec 2007

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Trivia: Writer/director John Singleton has a cameo in this film. He is the mailman with the uniform, cap, and sunglasses that delivers the letters to Doughboy's mother's house when Doughboy and Ricky are having a fight out on the front lawn. John gives the letters to the boys' mother.

Allister Cooper, 2011

16th Nov 2007

Goodfellas (1990)

Trivia: Jimmy Conway really went by the name Jimmy Burke. In the book Wiseguy, he tells Henry that all he knew about his family is that he 'was born to a woman named Conway.'

Allister Cooper, 2011

15th Nov 2007

El Mariachi (1992)

Trivia: When the Marichi is singing 'Ganas de vivir' in the bar to a full house, Domino is at the bar watching him perform. We then see a customer snap his fingers at her to get her attention, and to get a drink. When she serves him, we see him for the first time. According to the commentary, he is the actual owner of the bar.

Allister Cooper, 2011

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