Michele Hedges

30th Apr 2007

Dogma (1999)

Corrected entry: When Azrael kills the woman so he can make her house their headquarters, he moves to the thermostat and comments on how air conditioning is fantastic, but he turns the controller to the right (clockwise). In order to turn the air on, the controller would need to be turned back, or counterclockwise to achieve a lower temperature.

Michele Hedges

Correction: This is part of the joke. Azrael, though he sings the praises of air conditioning, has still been in hell so long that he has become accustomed to higher temperatures. He turns the dial to where it is most comfortable for him, anything cooler would be too cold. Sort of like how Californians might complain about how insanely cold a Minnesota winter is, but Minnesota natives don't really notice it that much.


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