David Doyle

The Fallen - S14-E19

Factual error: DB Russell gives Mark Roberts a bottle of water to hold. In the blood he leaves his fingerprint on the bottle. Stokes is watching with another policeman the CCTV footage from the interview room. Stokes then says grab a screen shot of the water bottle. They zoom in and low and behold they get a totally clear fingerprint. No way to get that much clarity from a CCTV camera. (00:17:00)

David Doyle

The Fallen - S14-E19

Continuity mistake: Sarah Sidle is talking to Deborah Hughes in the hospital at the end of the episode. Shots from behind Deborah has her ponytail down her back, shots of her front has her ponytail over her left shoulder. (00:39:00 - 00:41:00)

David Doyle

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