28th Jun 2018

General questions

Looking for a movie about a boy named Toby who is being bullied in his neighborhood. They make fun of him by calling him Toby Smoby. He fights one of the bullies and the bully falls down an embankment and gets hurt. Toby then befriends this boy and teaches him how to play chess. Does anyone remember the name of this move? Made before the 1980's.


Answer: I Googled "Toby Smoby" and the results page asked if I meant "Toby Schmoby." I clicked on that result and a page came up called "The CBS Children's Film Festival - A Bravenet.com Forum." The comments in the forum were similar to your question and one comment identified the movie as "Toby."


8th Dec 2013

General questions

This was a Christmas movie probably made for TV before 1985. It was about a young boy who wants to buy his mother a music box for Christmas. He does odd jobs to raise the money especially shoveling snow. Does anyone know what the title of this movie might be?


8th Dec 2013

General questions

This was probably a TV movie made before 1980. It was about a boy named Toby who is the new boy in town. The other kids don't like him and he ends up fighting a boy who falls and seriously hurts himself. Toby and this boy become friends and they play chess together. When the boy is healed and goes back to school, he pretends not to like Toby because his other friends don't like him. Anyone know the name of this movie?


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