Question: What was Sean's mother reacting to? She turned with a puzzled look before Dracula's car ever came near the house.

Answer: She heard the tires squealing and just had a reaction to that like anybody else would.


Answer: If you remember, the mother lit a candle and told Phoebe it would keep the house safe from monsters and lightning. The sound she reacted to was the candle blowing out, indicating the house was no longer protected.

She turned around in reaction at the same time the tires squealed.


No, she is NOT reacting to the tires. When the scene begins, the candle is in the lower right corner of the screen. It blows out and she reacts to the sound. I've been having this debate since 1989.

Question: Is it ever explained where to or even why the monsters are being moved?

Answer: This is never explained.


Answer: Dracula's a crafty and resourceful guy. While we're not privy to the details, he surely made the arrangements and concocted a cover story so that he and his team of monsters could get shipped close by the amulet's location.


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