
Chosen answer: In the alternate ending of Final Destination 3, a newspaper blows by, revealing Kimberly and Burke ran into each other at a hardware store and a Camaro (belonging to Evan) ran through the store, knocking them into a nearby woodchipper. Kimberly's coat was tangled and was snatched into the machine. Burke attempted to save her, and both were dismembered.


How come Thomas didn't die first in the sequence of death? He was the first to be killed in the car wreck?

Death was working in reverse order. The last person to die in the premonition was the first person to die in the real world.


Answer: No, Thomas wouldn't have died first because it was explained that Death was going backwards since everyone that died in the first movie made some people miss their death date, so he had to tie up the loose ends.

Question: Why does Alex die before Clear? Wasn't she supposed to be next after Carter? I mean, Alex was supposed to die first but Carter intervened making death repeat the cycle according to the path of the explosion which included Carter dying first, then Clear second and finally Alex. Why didn't this happen?


Chosen answer: His death happened between movies. We don't know how many times they intervened with each other before he finally was killed.


Answer: In the movie clear tells the others she and Alex saved each other countless times, however if you pause the movie and enlarge the scenes where it's flashing all the news paper articles it tells you that Alex was killed by a falling brick. I do believe Alex pushed clear out of the way of the brick.

Rachel Borden

Answer: Death works backwards now in this movie.

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