Movie Nut

7th Jul 2016

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Corrected entry: When the Warrior Woman is killed on top of the tanker, the close up shows her falling to her left, but the long shot shows her falling forwards onto the barbed wire.

Correction: True, she fell left. But while toppling, her legs lost support, and she fell onto the curvature of the tank, and into the barbed wire.

Movie Nut

28th Sep 2014

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Corrected entry: It would be impossible for the Gyro Captain to completely cover himself with dirt and to leave no markings in the sand, no footprints to his location and leaving the sand flat around his hiding place as if the ground is undisturbed.

Correction: While technically correct, it has to be kept in mind that Max wasn't interested in broad clues or details. He was focused on getting gas for his car.

Movie Nut

14th Sep 2014

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Corrected entry: When Max gets out of the Interceptor at the end of the opening chase and runs back to the truck, look at his belt - he has a small axe attached to it, directly in the middle with the handle hanging straight down, which would make it impossible for him to sit in the car.

Correction: True, but how do you know he didn't put it there just after his boots are shown hitting the road?

Movie Nut

Correction: Continuous scene of his boots hitting the ground and running back at no point does he stop to put it there.

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