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7th Jul 2014

Kick-Ass (2010)

Chosen answer: It's a scar. No explanation is given as to how he got it - presumably it was added to the character's look to suggest a violent past.


2nd Sep 2013

Kick-Ass (2010)

Chosen answer: Completely, yes, although Cage neglected to inform anybody that he was planning to do it until they started shooting, so he got some very odd looks at first until they figured out what he was up to.


30th Aug 2013

Kick-Ass (2010)

Chosen answer: Due to the relatively shallow depth that the microwave heat reaches to in a short time, a large chunk of raw meat (i.e. a human) would take a very long time to 'cook' to the core, so the reality of 'bursting' like that is very unlikely; death is more likely to come from the extensive level of damage done to the skin and layers beneath, and the progressive boiling of bodily fluids. It would certainly take longer than a few seconds as portrayed in the film.


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