Quantom X

10th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

9th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Lamont: [Out of breath] Targets in place... oh, man... maybe I should've brought some beer. (00:55:20)

Quantom X

9th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


The Jackal: Gonna need a place to test this though. Someplace that won't draw any attention.
Lamont: We got a place like that. We got a place just like that! [Snaps fingers].

Quantom X

8th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Preston: Going back to that drop box... An operative with your experience, with a clean passport, a wad of cash... I'll bet... if you had taken off, ha ha, we never would have found you. (01:57:45)

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Preston: Did you read the paper today? I'm quite the hero because of you. The agent who saved the first lady. Ha ha. I could screw everything else up for the rest of my life and still be... untouchable.
Declan Mulqueen: That a fact, then?

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Preston: Sorry they didn't give you your pardon. You'll get minimum security. It's like a country club. By the way, Director Brown sends his warmest thanks.
Declan Mulqueen: Oh that's nice. Look forward to playing tennis with him.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Preston: I wonder if we'll ever know, who the hell he really was?
Declan Mulqueen: We know all we need to, he was evil. He's dead, and he's gone. Nothing more matters.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


The Jackal: What are you gonna do, Declan? You just can't seem to protect any of your women.
Declan Mulqueen: Let her go. She's nothing to do with this.
The Jackal: Now you can save this girl. What's your name?
Maggie: M-Maggie.
The Jackal: Maggie, you can save Maggie you see? You can save her right now! Just have to put down your little gun.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Donald Brown: How did you know whose phone to tap?
Preston: I didn't. So I tapped everybody's.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Declan Mulqueen: Did you also know that Isabella was pregnant, when she got shot? That our child didn't survive?.. Don't tell me it's not personal, Mr. Preston. (01:14:00)

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Declan Mulqueen: Preston, what about letting me have a gun?
Preston: Are you crazy? If the right people knew I was letting you walk around without cuffs, I'd have forced retirement.

Quantom X

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

6th Aug 2018

The Jackal (1997)

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