Quantom X

Don't Fool With a Phantom - S2-E8

Shaggy: Hey, Scoob, aren't our wax statues the greatest?
Scooby: Yeah.
Daphne: Just what are you fellas going to do with those wax dummies you made?
Shaggy: Well like simple, next time we have a mystery, those dummies can go instead of us.
Fred: There's only one problem. How to tell one pair of dummies from the other.
Shaggy: Very funny, very funny.
Scooby: Yeah. Rery funny.

Quantom X

Never Ape and Ape Man - S1-E7

Shaggy: Scooby-Snacks won't work on me this time.
Daphne: Would you do it for a Shaggy-Snack? A little something I whipped up.
Shaggy: Huh? A Shaggy-Snack?
Daphne: Yes, it's a pot-pie, with pizza crust, anchovies, pepperoni, cherries, all in a thick chocolate sauce.
Shaggy: Hahahaha! I'll do it! I'll do it!

Quantom X

Never Ape and Ape Man - S1-E7

Daphne: That puts the stairs back. But I wonder what the other switches do?
Velma: Well, with your luck, Daph, the next button you push will bring the roof down. But, go ahead.

Quantom X

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