Joshua Merriott

Corrected entry: In Chapter 10, Fingers and Thumbs, Spiro tells Artemis that his cousin Costa had surgery so that he could take his place. Spiro had set the gel scanner to accept Costa's fingerprint for one night only. Later in the chapter Artemis claims to have reverted the cube from version 1.2 to 1.0. After Spiro tests the cube he claims "I have no family, no heirs." This statement contradicts what he had said about his cousin. He could not possibly have a cousin and no family.

Joshua Merriott

Correction: Spiro means that he doesn't have any family that he actually cares about; no sons or daughters for whom he would want to preserve the world, merely a cousin he manipulates. The point is, he has no one that matters enough to him that would stop him from destroying the world.

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