
21st Feb 2011

Kindergarten Cop (1990)

Corrected entry: To allow for the children to be at eye level when they speak to him, when Arnold is brought out on the stretcher, the ambulance attendants roll him with it in the down position. You can see at the end of the scene they actually raise him up to put him the ambulance to cover up the manoeuvre when in fact they should have left him lowered to lift him in.

Correction: This instructional video demonstrates the proper procedure: | ALL stretchers are raised or lowered on their frames to be level with the back of the ambulance. Once the ambulance is supporting the head end of the stretcher, the frame is raised up from under the stretcher while one or more responders continue to support it. It is then loaded into the ambulance. The stretcher in this film starts off lower than usual so the children can speak to Kimble, yes, but this is not a movie mistake, just a consideration of the responders. This scene plays out almost exactly like the instructional video in the link.


28th Feb 2011

Kindergarten Cop (1990)

Corrected entry: Right at the end when Arnold is on the stretcher going into the ambulance, the EMS crew does a strange thing. They are rolling the stretcher with Arnold in the down position, then when they get to the ambulance, they raise it up. This is the opposite of the way it is normally done. Plus, with that model of stretcher, you have to lower the patient and then lift him bodily into the back of the ambulance. In the scene immediately after they raise it, they are seen sliding the stretcher into the ambulance after is has been put back into the down position. If you watch closely, you can see that the medics look confused when they raise the stretcher and it won't go into the ambulance. Clearly they rolled it in the down position so the kids could talk to him.

Correction: This instructional video demonstrates the proper procedure: | ALL stretchers are raised or lowered on their frames to be level with the back of the ambulance. Once the ambulance is supporting the head end of the stretcher, the frame is raised up from under the stretcher while one or more responders continue to support it. It is then loaded into the ambulance. The stretcher in this film starts off lower than usual so the children can speak to Kimble, yes, but this is not a movie mistake, just a consideration of the responders. This scene plays out almost exactly like the instructional video in the link.


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