
29th Oct 2015

Crimson Peak (2015)

Corrected entry: The Sharpe's dilapidated mansion has had a huge hole in the roofing for some time that allows snow and rain to fall through into the foyer. However, there is no sign of water and weather damage to the foyer area except to a portion o the floor directly beneath. The foyer walls, staircase, and furniture look completely unaffected by being exposed to the weather when they should be stained, faded, moldy, warped, or buckled.


Correction: The water damage is prevalent and easily visible throughout the entire house.


I am only referring to the foyer area, where the huge, gaping roof hole is several stories directly above, and not the rest of the house. Other than the floor, the rest of the room looks practically pristine, unaffected by the mold, mildew and humidity that would be caused by the rain and cold.


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