
14th Jun 2018

Hereditary (2018)

Question: Not sure this is a movie mistake. When the mom is sawing off her own head, wouldn't the sawing have stopped once she cut through her spinal cord? The muscles in her arms/hands would have gone limp and her head would not completely fall off - though it would fall forward. You don't actually see her head fall but you hear the bang on the floor and her head is missing at the end.


Answer: There were supernatural forces at work, so basic rules of human anatomy and physics don't really apply in the situation.


Answer: When she's sawing off her own head, she's also suspended about 12 feet in the air. Afterwards, you also see the headless mom's body levitating up to the treehouse. So, obviously, there were powerful demonic forces that suspended her in the air, sawed off her head, then carried her up into the treehouse.

Charles Austin Miller

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