
Corrected entry: Sarah says that the first terminator attacked her in 1984. This makes no sense. There are two ways to think about it. 1: John looks about thirteen years old, but thirteen years after the attack is 1997. Judgement Day. There wouldn't be enough time to have the third movie. 2: John's police record says he is ten, but that would mean the year is 1994. He is definitely not 13 in the third movie.

Jack Kaltenbach

Correction: The only real mistake here, is that the actor playing John looks older than 10. The 2nd movie takes place in 1994, when John is suppose to be 10. The 3rd movie takes place in 2004, when he is suppose to be 20. The 3rd movie can happen in 2004, because the events of the 2nd movie delayed judgment day from 1997 to 2004.


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