Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Hop picture

Continuity mistake: When the car in which EB is a passenger pulls up at the mall and parks, the window in EB's door is completely raised. Then the driver gets out and the window is a couple of inches down from the top. Then EB climbs out of the window - without winding it down - and the window is now about six inches down in the door.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Blue Thunder picture

Other mistake: Murphy lands the helicopter on a railway line so an oncoming train will destroy it completely, and this happens exactly on cue with huge, dramatic explosions and flying debris. Apparently the train driver doesn't think this is important enough to interrupt his busy schedule - he doesn't stop the train. We do not hear brakes being applied - the wheels would make a noise like the sky coming down - and the train doesn't slow down at all - it just keeps on going.

Best pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Mia and Brian are about to jump off the roof, when a gunman takes aim there's a cameraman to the bottom right below him. (00:32:35)

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Best recent entries

Oppenheimer picture

Trivia: This film, combined with Barbie, became an internet phenomenon, dubbed "Barbenheimer", due to the fact that the two films were released on the same day, with some filmgoers opting to see the movies together as a double feature for no other reason than their vastly different subject matter.


Best quotes

The Hunt for Red October picture

Jeffrey Pelt: Mr. Ryan, I'm a politician. Which means I'm a cheat and a liar and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops.

Movie quote quiz

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"I had sponsors in from all over the coast and I'm hugging, and holding hands, and praying for a good showin'. And what do we do? We end up looking like a monkey fucking a football out there. Everybody out, please."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Coco picture

Continuity mistake: When they jump in the pool, they drop the guitar. When they jump out their guitar is no longer in the pool.

Best questions

Chosen answer: During the several years it took to construct the ship probably, or in any of the supplies/food brought on board, or in the furniture brought on board. A single pregnant female rat can be responsible for thousands of rats in a very short space of time (the offspring are not too choosy about who they breed with).

Soylent Purple

A pregnant female rat could have made a home in a underneath a third class couch and had the other rats then all the females would have baby rats quickly.

Answer: In addition to the other answers, rats can easily get on ships by climbing the mooring lines that tie vessels to the dock and also go up unattended gangways. They can also use temporary overhead cables attached to ships while in port.


Biggest Disney mistakes

The Lion King picture

Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

Best trivia

Watchmen picture

Trivia: During the opening fight scene, Comedian throws a mug at his attacker, but misses. The mug strikes the numerals on his apartment door, knocking the '1' off. This turns 3001 into "300", the name of the director's previous hit film.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Captain Marvel picture

Factual error: Carol Danvers' name appears on her dog tags as "Carol Danvers," but US military dog tags list the surname first, then given name. E.g. "Danvers, Carol."

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