Corrected entry: There's no way Daggett's plan to make Bruce lose his fortune and get kicked out of his company would have worked, Bruce wasn't on the trading room floor, the fact that terrorists seized the Stock Exchange would have cancelled and voided any trading that day, plus the fact that the trade happened whilst under terrorism control would have made it more that obvious that Bruce did not make the trade. To make matters even worse almost every single character and the news media acts like Bruce intentionally committed a kamikaze trade whilst the floor was seized.

Correction: As Fox specifically states in the movie, given time, they'd probably be able to prove the fraud, but that would need to be proven to the satisfaction of the courts, which would not be quick. You have to bear in mind that copies of Bruce's fingerprints were used to authorise the trades, copies that were made during a break-in that the police were never informed of and thus any subsequent claim of theft would be treated with considerable scepticism. Thus, for the time being at least, Bruce is broke and has to relinquish control of the company. Daggett believes that may be enough to gain him control of Wayne Enterprises in order to force a merger with his own company; he may well be wrong but you're overlooking the rather major point that this is not Daggett's plan. The real aim of the plan is to get Bruce to temporarily surrender control to Miranda Tate so that she can gain access to the reactor in order to weaponise it. That's all she and Bane need; after that, it doesn't matter in the slightest if the trades are proved to be fraudulent, because they have what they were after and their plan for the fall of Gotham can be set in motion. Long-term, you're right, the plan probably wouldn't work. But it never needed to.


While you are correct about them not needing the fraudulent trade to be permanent, the original mistake is still, for the most part, valid. If we assumed there is security footage of the exchange, it would prove that Bruce was never there. If we disregard security footage or assume Bane's crew destroyed it, they would have cancelled all trades made that day anyway because, for all they know, Bane may have kidnapped Bruce and forced him to make the trades under duress during the siege.


It would still take some time to determine this as trading was under way so it would take some time to decipher the legit trades from the fraudulent ones.

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