
8th Aug 2023

Heathers (1988)

Question: At the college party, after Heather Chandler has a sexual encounter with her date, why does she spit water on her reflection in the mirror?

Answer: Heather regretted being coerced into having oral sex with the frat guy when she didn't want to but succumbed to needing male attention and approval. She was essentially spitting on herself in disgust.


13th Dec 2012

Heathers (1988)

Question: In the scene in the girl's locker room, after Heather Chandler's death, why does Veronica get into a shower with her clothes on?

Answer: I think it's one of those "This can't be happening, I must be dreaming" moments. Same as when a character pinches themselves in order to wake up, or they tell someone to pinch them. Veronica can hardly believe what she and JD did.

Answer: Most likely it's an act of contrition, symbolically attempting to "wash away" her sin.


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