
Chosen answer: Brad is killed at the Club de la Lune, a club that is used by a society of werewolves to lure in victims. The werewolf that killed Brad was not identified, and is just one of the society members.


Chosen answer: The drug is supposed to prevent a person from turning into a werewolf during a full moon. However, one batch is bad, and it causes immediate transformation.


Answer: Because they're two different films made years apart (1981 and 1997) by two different directors. Not only had CGI effects made significant advances by the time "Werewolf in Paris" was made, but every filmmaker has their own vision and style for their movie. A new director often feels no obligation to make a sequel look exactly like its predecessor. Look at the Harry Potter series. There have been different directors, and each made changes to how characters and locations look from film-to-film. It's just a natural progression.


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