
15th Nov 2020

The Village (2004)

Question: Did they know that they were living in the modern world? I was so confused when I first saw this movie and watching it again now I still don't get it.

Answer: The elders always knew about the modern world because they once lived in it. Years before, they created the village to shut themselves off from modern-day violence. They had met at a grief support group after each suffered a tragic loss. Edward Walker, who was wealthy, owned the land and funded the entire operation, including the security around the fake "nature preserve." Everyone born after the elders knew nothing about the modern world and were raised and educated as if it was the 19th century. The elders lied to their children and invented the monster story to frighten them from straying beyond the village. It was claimed the monsters would not attack and kill anyone if the inhabitants stayed within the village perimeter. Edward Walker did tell his daughter, Ivy, that the monsters were fake so he could send her to retrieve the medicine to save Lucius Hunt. Because she was blind, she never saw the outside world.


21st Jun 2020

The Village (2004)

Question: Why did the people on the modern side not want to cross the border?

Answer: If you mean the security staff, they were not permitted to ever enter enter the area, being told it was an experimental nature preserve. They are only employees and follow orders, which was to patrol the perimeter and keep anyone from entering. The head security man apparently knows what is inside, but his subordinate staff do not, though the one guy, after meeting Ivy, now has an idea that people are living inside. The preserve is privately owned by the Walker Corporation, and the security staff work for them.


28th Apr 2020

The Village (2004)

Question: Where and how did the elders meet?

Answer: They met in the modern world at a grief support group. Each had lost a loved one to an act of violence.


10th Feb 2020

The Village (2004)

Question: If the village is isolated, how do they get their linen and dress from time to time? Like could a one village have a blacksmith, a weaver, a shoe maker, and all?

Answer: It's implied that the villagers provide whatever they need for themselves, such as raising sheep for wool and growing cotton for weaving cloth to make clothing, tanning leather to make shoes, etc. The elders made a pact that they would have no contact with the outside world for any reason, as was seen when Lucius Hunt needed medical treatment. Ivy was finally sent to fetch medicine, but only after considerable conflict among the elders and at risk to her. Presumably most supplies, raw materials, equipment were brought with the elders when they set up the village. It is rather unrealistic that they could be as skilled and self-sufficient to the degree they were, but the film employs a "suspension of disbelief."


Answer: The elders of the village have contact with the outside world, albeit minimally, in order to purchase/obtain such articles that they can't manufacture themselves.

There is nothing in the film suggesting this arrangement.

30th Dec 2019

The Village (2004)

Question: Why do the elders of the village want the villagers to stay in the village and not leave? If the monsters are fake, then why do the elders not want anyone to leave their village?

Answer: The elders made a pact to leave the modern world and never to return to it. They adopted a 19th century way of life, rejecting all modernity. If the younger members started leaving, they would be faced with a modern, technical world they had no idea existed or know how to function in. The elders also did not want any of their descendants to be subjected to the violent society they had escaped. The elders created the fake monsters to frighten the younger members from ever wanting to leave the safety of the village.


16th Nov 2019

The Village (2004)

Question: Why did the elders leave to start their own town?

Answer: The elders, who had met at a grief support group, had all lost a loved one from a violent tragedy. Edward Walker, who was immensely rich, suggested starting the isolated village as a means to escape modern societal violence.


16th Nov 2019

The Village (2004)

Question: Just asking out of curiosity, but what disorder does Noah suffer from?

Josh West

Answer: Likely autism with perhaps a comorbid intellectual disability and/or traumatic brain injury.

Answer: It was never specified what disability he was afflicted with.


9th Oct 2019

The Village (2004)

Answer: But I would also like to add that at the end when Ivy returns with the medicines and leans besides Lucius' bed, you can see Ivy smile, as if just maybe she can see his aura returning.

Answer: It's not revealed what happened to him.


29th Aug 2004

The Village (2004)

Question: Maybe I am being too analytical, but why do the villagers wear yellow robes? Taking into consideration the colour wheel and the red robes of the "things," wouldn't it make more sense to wear green as the safe color because green is the opposite of red?

Answer: They used the color yellow to represent caution, the red color means danger it does not have to do with the color wheel, but it is more psychological.

Answer: It would probably depend on the colourings available to the villagers. Maybe it was easier to make yellow dye and paint than green. Also, if green was a safe colour, then the 'creatures' wouldn't have been able to walk on any grass and there wouldn't have been as much fear of them entering the Village.

kendra jackson

Answer: Red attracts colors. Planes, onlookers. If they are trying to keep a low profile in the forest, avoiding red is a good idea.

Answer: Plot wise, there was no practical reason for yellow being used because it was just part of the elders' scheme to "sell" the fake beasts story to the younger villagers. The youngsters were conditioned from childhood to believe that red attracted the creatures, and the village was protected as long as no-one wore or displayed it. The "safe" yellow color was probably an arbitrary choice by the elders, though it is also associated with "caution." From a movie-making perspective, the color choice probably had to do with what visually worked best on film. Green or blue would blend into the forest and meadow background, while yellow stands out, making the characters more visible.


Answer: Blood! Red was the bad color because it was the color of blood. Remember, all the elders were trying to avoid violence. The father in the movie was a psychologist. It just makes sense, knowing what he knew of society, to use red and yellow (being caution) as cultural guidelines.

The father was a history professor.

Answer: Just a word about this: opposing green to red makes sense only if you think about light. If you think about paint for example it would be yellow... kinda (actually 3 primary colors blue, red and yellow / 3 primary "light colors" blue, red and green).

Answer: I would think yellow is a color of passive/yielding to notify the "beasts" they are inferior to them.

23rd Sep 2018

The Village (2004)

Question: What game do the young men play to demonstrate their courage to one another?

Answer: To expand on the previous answer, the village youth were raised to believe the non-existent creatures would never harm anyone so long as they did not cross the boundary. The boys are engaging in a game of "dare."


Answer: There isn't a particular name for the game they're playing. It was more game of courage of who could stand on the stump with their arms spread out wide the longest without running away scared.

30th Aug 2018

The Village (2004)

Answer: He could have overheard some discussion about it or observed Ivy and the others from a window as they headed to the woods.


6th Aug 2018

The Village (2004)

Question: As there were not any real creatures and they were only Noah and the elders in suits, how did they make the monsters' growls / scary sounds?


Answer: It was never revealed exactly how they did this. Much of this is just dubbed in movie sound effects added to make the "creatures" scarier and make it appear to the audience that they are real.


Answer: Ivy's father revealed to her before she left that they "created" the sounds. This implies they planted speakers with animal recordings in the woods and keep them playing on a loop.

2nd Aug 2018

The Village (2004)

Question: Why didn't the ranger tell his supervisor about Ivy/the community?

Answer: He suspects that his supervisor already knows what is going on inside the reserve. If he says anything, he might be fired because he would then be considered a risk to reveal publicly about the people living on the other side of the wall.


Answer: Of course the Supervisor knew. It was the Village Elders who hired them. To keep people out and disturbing their way of life. If you're wondering why he seemed so nonchalant about the situation. I've been in security for thirty years, sitting outside and doing nothing is the most boring way to make a living.

Answer: I don't think the supervisor knew. I think the guy just felt bad for her or understood her. And if the supervisor found out about it, he probably would have reported it and it would have became public. IMO.

26th Mar 2018

The Village (2004)

Question: In the tower where Lucius and another guy were watching, the guy told him he is a good friend and hopes he wasn't seen. What did he mean by that? Or was he just thanking him for being out there with him? Just wondering if there was more to it.


Answer: It appeared that he was thanking Lucius for sneaking out after late-night hours (probably breaking the village curfew) to join him in the tower.


3rd Dec 2017

The Village (2004)

Question: If the creatures were actually the elders in disguise, why did the elders kill Ivy's guards in the scene where she is allowed to get medicine? And what is the protection they speak of from those rocks?

Answer: The guards were not killed. They were becoming too frightened to continue the journey with Ivy, and she agreed to them leaving, knowing the creatures were not real. The "magic rocks" was just a fabricated story by the elders to fool the two boys into believing they would be protected by them. The elders, knowing the two boys believed the creatures were real, were attempting to alleviate their fear.


15th Sep 2017

The Village (2004)

Question: When Lucius was walking the perimeter painting a yellow stripe on the poles and he sets the bucket down to go into the woods and pick the berries, he saw a "creature." You can see a flash of something but it isn't red. So what exactly did he see? Lucius claimed he saw a creature through a letter in the village meeting but maybe he actually saw one of the Elders and that's why he was so upset and that's why the elders didn't get angry at him for crossing the perimeter and instead Walker said he was brave. Just to continue the show. Or maybe he saw Noah and that's why Noah was so excited in the town hall. What did Lucius see in the woods when he picked the berries?

Answer: It's not known what Lucius saw. It was either one of the elders who was in costume perpetuating the ruse that dangerous creatures roamed the woods, or it was Noah, who'd discovered the secret and took it upon himself to frighten the other village youths who occasionally overstepped the boundaries.


Answer: He wrote the letter because he believed this was all happening because he went into the woods and touched the red berries. You (and lucius) only see a branch move which would make one assume a creature had been there.

16th Feb 2017

The Village (2004)

Question: I recently watched this movie again and realised I don't know why the Percy family was in grief counseling. Is it said in the movie? I remember the rest: the father was killed by his partner, the husband was murdered and left naked, the sister was raped and killed, the brother was killed trying to help in the emergency room, but I don't know why the Percy family was there.

Answer: Not every elders' story was told. Towards the end, the montage of voices explaining what tragedy had befallen their loved ones was only meant to reveal to the audience the reason why the village came into existence. It is unnecessary for us to know each person's personal history but only that they wanted to escape societal violence. As they all belonged to the same grief support group, it is assumed the Percys also lost a loved one through an act of violence.


17th Feb 2016

The Village (2004)

Question: The creature comes to the village and Ivy waits for Lucius to grab her hand. But Noah was in the house under the house floor with Ivy's family. So who was dressed as the creature?

Answer: It was one of the male village elders who was disguised as the creature. The elders had perpetuated the hoax that strange, dangerous beasts lived in the woods and would attack the village if anyone strayed beyond its borders. It was all part of the ruse to frighten and restrain the younger villagers when they became too curious and adventurous and tried to cross the perimeter. The elders wanted to prevent the youth from learning about the modern world outside. Noah later found his father's costume under the floorboards and secretly began pretending to be one of the creatures.


16th Nov 2015

The Village (2004)

Question: If the elders know the creatures are an invention they created/use and they know what the outside world is like, then why didn't one of the elders go grab the medicine? They literally create this utopia because of violence in their past, yet are willing to let two members possibly die to preserve what secret?

Answer: The elders made a pact with each that none of them would ever return to the modern world, not for any reason.


Answer: For one of the Elders to leave, would cause the younger generations to question the danger of 'those we do not speak of' and possibly embolden them to venture into the woods, and possibly finding the limits of their known world, destroying everything the Elders originally sacrificed everything for. The younger villagers are shown already pushing the boundaries of these creatures, so it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe if they witness an Elder going into the woods, that the creatures aren't nearly dangerous as told. This is why the Elders got so angry when August sent Ivy without their consent. Her knowledge of the fabrication risks jeopardizing everything.

28th Jul 2015

The Village (2004)

Answer: It is presumed that Ivy cannot see Noah's color as she was unaware that he was inside of her coat closet after he had hidden there during a game of hide and seek. In the scene she is seen hanging her coat inside of a closet occupied by Noah. She puts the garment inside and goes about her business completely unaware of his presence. This indicates that he does not give off a color.

Chosen answer: This was left very ambiguous. Ivy knew the "creatures" were not real because her father had told her it was a ruse the elders used to frighten the youths to keep them from leaving the village. However, it was mentioned by one of the elders that the creatures were based on old stories, myth and legend that's why she was freaking out when her cloak was darken by the mud and why she became frightened by Noah's monster costume. As for her sight of color it does not appear that Ivy knows it is Noah who is chasing her.


Ivy could smell Noah wearing the suit. She made a statement in the shed not to be used that there was a strange smell in there. I imagine some sort of latex smell given off by suit. I think. I had figured it was a professionally made movie costumes the elders brought to Covington woods when they first settled. But it is also possible I guess they could have been crafted after the fact. But either way she was able to recognize Noah by the scent. I believe.

Answer: She stated in the beginning she couldn't always see color in people.

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