
12th Jun 2023

The Terminator (1984)

Answer: Gleaned from the internet: James Cameron envisioned Lance Henriksen as the Terminator when he was developing the story concept, though Henriksen was never cast. They'd previously worked together in "Piranha 2" and later in "Aliens." A number of actors were considered for the Terminator part, but it ultimately went to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who initially wasn't interested. Cameron found a role for Henriksen as Vukovich, as Henriksen had been essential to finding finances for the film.


7th Feb 2020

The Terminator (1984)

Question: Towards the end of the movie when Kyle Reese dies, what will happen to him, considering he's from the future and there is no way he could be identified?


Answer: He would likely be considered as a "John Doe," with some identifying number, then buried in a modern-day equivalent of a "Potter's Field," where unknown persons are buried. Sarah Conner could have supplied Kyle's name, though this could not be verified and he'd still be considered as an unknown.


Answer: Also, in the sequel when the T-1000 looks up John Connor's info on the police car's computer, John's father is listed as "unknown', so any info Sarah had given the police was apparently disregarded.


Answer: He'd be treated like any other John Doe corpse.

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