
Question: Why did Snow laugh at Katniss when she directed her arrow at Coin and not him? Was it because he knew he was seconds from death (from the crowd) and so he literally wanted the last laugh?

Answer: Agree with the other answer, but would add that Snow is laughing because he knows Coin has been publicly exposed as a fraud. He considers it as a small personal victory, even though he's about to die.


Answer: He laughs because he knows that even in his current situation, he still has some ability to control and manipulate Katniss, such as he always has. That's my belief in any aspect, but it's just subjective as no definitive answer can be given.


Question: We were made to believe that they would be helpless without the holo device to spot the pods. Weren't all of the pods triggered by movement? Couldn't they just throw rubble ahead of them as they progressed? They would have to anyway as there could be additional pods that weren't shown by the holo device.

Answer: Knowing where the pods are exactly gives them a major advantage over throwing rubble. We are shown a pod that triggers machine guns. They know the pod is ahead of them so they take cover behind the stone structures. If they just randomly threw rubble and the pod was to the side of them, they would have been hit by the machine guns.


Answer: It saves time, energy, and is safer and more efficient if they can specifically pinpoint where the pods are located rather than randomly throwing rubble in an attempt to find them.


Question: What was that black liquid that filled up the courtyard, and how did Mitchell die?

Answer: The liquid acts like tar leaving residue when it goes. It's toxic and or acidic as it destroys everything it touches. Mitchell I believe is the person who gets caught up the massive snare trap. So He could have been killed by the snare, the black liquid or just died from drowning in the liquid.


Answer: In regard to the black liquid, it is some type of a (fictional) toxic, tar-like substance that kills instantly upon touching living organisms. Mitchell is killed during the assault on the capital. When Peeta experiences a flashback, he attempts to kill Katniss. Mitchell pounces on Peeta to protect her, but Peeta throws him off, and Mitchell gets caught up in netting from a pod. The others are unable to free Mitchell, and he dies as the black tar washes over him.


Chosen answer: They knew Peeta would trust Prim. She was always honest and did not have any ulterior motives other than wanting to help Peeta recover. Prim was someone who helped others without expecting anything in return.


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