
12th Aug 2023

The Santa Clause (1994)

Question: Why were the elves happy to see Scott and Charlie on their return to the North Pole? Their presence obviously meant that the old Santa was dead.

Answer: Unbeknownst to Scott, Charlie, and the viewer, Scott became the new Santa the moment he put on the Santa suit on his roof. Because of this, the elves don't even see him as Scott, but as Santa. His arrival also meant another successful toy delivery and the continuation of Christmas itself.


Answer: As the various Santas periodically are killed or die by other means, the elves appear unsurprised and are happy and relieved that they don't have to worry about having a replacement. They also seem pleased to see young Charlie, who wasn't expected. I haven't seen the movie in years, but I seem to recall that the previous Santa wasn't particularly liked or was somewhat incompetent.


17th Feb 2023

The Santa Clause (1994)

Question: Two questions. 1. When Scott catches Santa on the roof, Santa falls down and vanishes. When Scott, as Santa is caught and arrested, how come he didn't vanish? 2. Is it ever explained why Santa, when he lands in Scott's yard, disappears?

Answer: To answer both questions, when the first Santa fell off the roof, he was killed and that is why his body vanished. Scott obviously did not die, so his body would not disappear just because he was arrested.


Answer: Because Neil thinks Charlie is old enough now that he should no longer believe in fantasy figures like Santa Claus.


Answer: Because some parents don't think it's logical thinking.

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