
16th Sep 2005

Futurama (1999)

Answer: The initial number is 0101100101 = 357. When reflected in a mirror, however, it reads 1010011010 = 666 (the number of the Beast). It is a parody of The Shining, where the words Red Rum are seen as the word murder in the mirror.


18th May 2005

Futurama (1999)

Show generally

Question: Sometime during the third season, the animators changed their alien substitute code for a more difficult one. I can't remember what it was called (Modulator 6? Something like that.) but I remember that each symbol could represent any letter depending on the letters/symbols that came before it. I still want to translate the secret messages myself, but could someone please explain to me (in layman terms) how this new code works?

Answer: Each symbol in the second alien alphabet (AA2) corresponds to a number from 1-26, so you'll end up with a series of numbers. The first number corresponds directly with an A-Z letter on another lookup table, but each subsequent letter is the corresponding number from the original numeric series subtracted from the number preceding it. The lookup tables and a tutorial on decoding AA2 is available at


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