Soylent Purple

Corrected entry: In the opening battle General Grievous shatters the front glass on the bridge to escape. A metal barrier slides into place to stop the bridge from decompressing. But when Anakin is trying to land the disabled ship the metal barrier is gone and the glass appears to be back in place. If the metal barrier had just withdrawn everyone on the bridge would be being buffeted around to an insane degree by inrushing wind.

Correction: The metal shield only covered the damaged sections to the side (you can see it stop as it moves accross). On the closeup as the ship lands we can see only the very front of the bridge has intact glass, the rest of the bridge has metal shielding over the broken windows.

Soylent Purple

Corrected entry: Senator Bail Organa doesn't actually fight in the Clone wars, which Leia (in hologram form) claims in Star Wars.

Correction: Since neither Episode 2 or 3 covers the entire life of Bail during the Clone Wars, we cannot know if he actually fought or not. On top of this, Leia actually said "Served my father in the Clone Wars" not "Fought".

Soylent Purple

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