
Corrected entry: The FPS game Mike plays would set the movie no earlier than the mid 1990's, yet in the retrospection scene which is said to take place twenty years earlier, everything from cars to clothes is not younger than from 1950's, which would be about 40 years earlier.

Correction: I don't believe this is actually an error, as this isn't really a movie set in the 'real world', but more of a parody of the world. As discussed in the 'making of' on the DVD, they explained that they didn't really want the place or time to be anything specifically set. Therefore there are more modern things (like the FPS game), and the older things like the 1950s stuff. It's the same reason that the money they use in the movie has been designed to look different - so that you can't identify where it's supposed to be. They never actually specify if Wonka's factory is in England or America.


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