
24th Jul 2012

Thor (2011)

Continuity mistake: The first time Jane, Darcy and Erik meet Thor, Jane says "Do me a favour and don't be dead. Please. Where did he come from?" But the second time we see them meet him, Darcy suddenly says "Woah, does he need CPR? Because I totally know CPR" right after Jane says "Do me a favour and don't be dead". Extended scene or not, Darcy's line was not there before and it makes no sense for it to be there now because Jane's line is still incomplete when she says it. On top of this, the word "Please" that Jane said earlier is completely gone.


9th Oct 2011

Thor (2011)

Question: Jane tells the nurse that his name is "Thor". She instantly assumes that it is spelled T, H, O, R. Wouldn't it make more sense for her to assume that it is spelled T, H, A, W? That's a much more common word.


Chosen answer: Thor sounds nothing like "thaw" (at least, not with Jane's accent). Also, "Thor" is not an uncommon name in Scandanavian countries, and even if she didn't assume he was from there, she probably just thought it was an odd name and left it at that.


26th Apr 2011

Thor (2011)

Continuity mistake: After S.H.I.E.L.D "borrows" Jane's research and Darcy says that they took her iPod, her hair can be seen blowing in the wind in the shots facing her left and not blowing in the shots facing her right.


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