
8th Mar 2010

Saw VI (2009)

Corrected entry: In the opening "game" of the film, Simone is forced to remove flesh to stay alive. We then see her sever an arm with a few blows from a hatchet in order to win the game. The arm is removed about 3 inches below the elbow but a later scene in the hospital shows a bandage with the arm completely gone from far above the elbow. Furthermore, modern advances in limb re-attachment allow for a limb to be re-attached up to a full day after the accident. Why didn't the doctors in the OR simply re-attach the arm that had been lobbed off?


Correction: For all we know, this could happen in the past, when medical science were not as advanced, or she had to left her arm there. It's also possible her arm was too badly damaged to save. Bottom line, this isn't considered a movie mistake.


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