
Question: I LOVE these movies and have seen them over 100 times. But one thing I never understood was when Doc was struck by lightening in 1955 and got sent back 1885 wouldn't the Delorean be there with him?


Chosen answer: Of course it did. You're not thinking fourth dimensionally :-) Doc and the DeLorean were sent back to 1885. Doc then placed the DeLorean in the abandoned mine for Marty to retrieve in 1955. Marty then used the repaired DeLorean to travel back to 1885. So technically, during Marty's time in 1885, there are TWO DeLoreans, the one in the abandoned mine (that Doc brought back with him) and the one in Doc's workshop (the same Delorean, just older, which Marty travelled in).


Technically there is actually 4 Deloreons in 1955 at one point. The one Marty took there and needed to get back to 1985 with, the one Doc and Marty took there in Part II, the one Biff took from 2015 there and the one hidden away since 1885 in the mine.

Shawn M. Milburn

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