
16th Aug 2014

Contagion (2011)

Character mistake: During the interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Alan Krumwiede incorrectly describes what an R naught of 2 means. He claims on Day 1 there were 2 people infected, then 4, then 16, then 256... This is raising each number to the 2nd power (squaring each number.) But we learned earlier in the movie from Dr. Erin Mears that the R naught indicates the number of people who will become infected by 1 infected person. So to calculate the spread of the disease, each # of infected should be multiplied by 2, not squared. It should go Day 1 = 2, Day 2 = 4, Day 3 = 8, Day 4 = 16, Day 5 = 32, etc. (01:06:35)


The Bad Fish Paradigm - S2-E1

Character mistake: At the very beginning of the episode Leonard says "So you see what you're eating is not technically yogurt because it doesn't have enough live active acidophilus cultures." He is implying this is a scientific fact (he's not just giving his opinion on yogurt.) But to meet the U.S. standards for yogurt, only the starter cultures Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are required, not Lactobacillus acidophilus. The presence or absence of L. acidophilus does NOT determine a food's identity as yogurt (which Leonard's line is implying). (00:00:05)


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