
Factual error: Father Gionetti gives Father Merrin a copy of the Rituale Romanum (Roman Ritual). (The administration of exorcism is in Title X of the Rituale Romanum.) The title of the book embossed on its leather cover is "Roman Ritual", in English. Later in the film, Father Merrin asks Joseph to help him by reading passages of the book, and we are shown a couple of printed pages, the text of which is also in English. The Rituale Romanum would have been printed in Latin in 1949, when the film is set, because non-Latin translations of liturgical texts were not authorized until the promulgation of the Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) by Pope Paul VI on December 4, 1963, as part of the Second Vatican Council.


2nd Oct 2004

South Park (1997)

Conjoined Fetus Lady - S2-E5

Factual error: When Mr. Mackey, Principal Victoria, and Nurse Gollum are eating dinner with the Broslofskis, notice pork on the table. Since the Broslofskis are practicing Jews, they would have not allowed unclean food (such as pork) in their home.


27th Sep 2004

Anchorman (2004)

Factual error: Although the film is set in the 1970s, the Emerald Shapery Tower can be seen in several skyline shots of the city of San Diego throughout the film. It was built during the mid 1980's.


27th Sep 2004

Anchorman (2004)

Factual error: Although the film is set in the 1970's, Petco Park (The San Diego Padre's ballpark) can be seen in a skyline shot of the city of San Diego. It wasn't built until around 2001-2002.


25th Sep 2004

Anchorman (2004)

Factual error: Throughout the movie, there are shots of downtown San Diego, which is supposed to be set in the 1970s. Yet, there are shots of One America Plaza, the tallest building in San Diego, which was built in 1991.


25th Sep 2004

Anchorman (2004)

Factual error: Although the film is set in the 1970s, the San Diego Convention Center can be seen in several skyline shots of the city of San Diego throughout the film. It was built during the mid 1980s.


21st Sep 2004

Elizabeth (1998)

Factual error: The parliamentary bill to establish the Anglican Church was forced through the first session of Parliament by Cecil (not Walsingham), using more complex means than that portrayed in the film. He effectively became the first government whip, using many techniques, the most important being a procedural device that limited debate to that which was justified by Scripture alone. The Catholic MP's walked out in protest. The two ringleaders of the protest were taken to the Tower of London.


21st Sep 2004

Elizabeth (1998)

Factual error: Queen Mother Mary of Guise did garrison Scotland with troops, but Elizabeth sent a fleet, not an army. And this fleet was not an invasion force, but was sent to back up the Protestant landlords in their battle against the Catholic Mary.


21st Sep 2004

Elizabeth (1998)

Factual error: The real Duke of Anjou did not become Elizabeth's suitor until 1571, long after her accession to the throne, when relations with France had improved greatly. He was not the nephew of Mary of Guise (as in the film), but the son of Catherine de Medici.


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