Neil Jones

26th Feb 2018

Fawlty Towers (1975)

Answer: It's "Leisure Complex" by Dave Gold and Gordon Rees. Can be found on YouTube. The relevant clip is around 25 seconds in.

8th Sep 2016

Fawlty Towers (1975)

Waldorf Salad - S2-E3

Question: What was Basil referring to with his response of "I'm sorry it wasn't wide enough for you - a lot of the English cars have steering wheels" to Mr Hamilton's remarks about the M5 motorway?

Neil Jones

Chosen answer: Mr Hamilton referred to the M5 as a "little backstreet". In response Basil sarcastically apologises for it being narrow, despite being a multi-lane motorway, and makes a comment about cars in the UK having steering wheels because American roads are often built straight.

27th Jun 2005

Fawlty Towers (1975)

26th Nov 2004

Fawlty Towers (1975)

The Kipper and the Corpse (a.k.a. Death) - S2-E4

Revealing mistake: Just after Polly comes down to to the kitchen to tell Sybil that Mr Leeman's dead and they leave, Basil wanders back in, to learn the news. Watch the wall on the right on the staircase when Basil shoves past Sybil on the stairs. The wall shakes so much at that point it's virtually impossible to miss.

Neil Jones

10th Nov 2004

Fawlty Towers (1975)

The Builders - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the episode, a couple of scenes before Mr Stubbs arrives, we see Basil start up the tape player prior to hiding in the kitchen. The garden gnome on the desk is right next to the tape player at this point. When Sybil turns the tape off the player has rotated 45 degrees or so (despite nobody else having come into reception in the intervening time) and the gnome is now further along the desk towards the camera as we look on the wide shot. The gnome in the next shot is seen beside the checking-in book when Basil wanders out of and back into the office a couple of scenes later, yet when Mr Stubbs is asking about the lintel for the new door shortly after that and we see Sybil writing in the book, the gnome has moved out of shot altogether.

Neil Jones

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