Neil Jones

17th Mar 2007

General questions

My parents have American Beauty on video but I can't watch it because it's an 18. However, my friends mum has it also on video but hers is a 15. Does anyone know why this is?

Answer: According to the BBFC this film (assuming you mean the 1999 film with Kevin Spacey) has always had an 18 rating both for cinematic and home video/DVD release. The trailer is rated 12. Therefore it is anybody's guess as to how your friend's mother's video is rated 15 unless it is an entirely different American Beauty.

Neil Jones

18th Mar 2007

General questions

Where can a person submit suggestions for movies/tv shows to be released on DVD? Does such a data bank exist for those who decide which movies will or will not be released on DVD? Who decides what movies or tv shows from the past will or will not be made available to the public?

Answer: These should be directed at the production company. These companies decide what to release based on three main qualifying factors, usually in order of priority: 1) Will it sell? 2) Do we have the rights to sell it? 3) Is the print in decent condition and if not is it worth doing any work on it in lieu of factors 1 and 2? Many film and closed TV company programme libraries have changed ownership over the years, some with no clues as to who owns the material.

Neil Jones

17th Nov 2005

Stand By Me (1986)

Question: It's established that the vast majority of the movie takes place in 1959. But what year do the present day scenes take place in, when Gordie is an adult?

Answer: It isn't verbally stated, though there is a shot of a newspaper with a 1985 date on it. Since Gordie was "12 going on 13" in 1959 (therefore born 1946/47) this makes Gordie about 40, which roughly looks about right physically.

Neil Jones

1st Jun 2005

General questions

There was this film about a child who wanted to be a spy/detective. There was a scene where the boy was hiding under a bed, and there was a girl with blonde hair dancing around in the room, with ballet shoes on. I think the plot was something like four kids were hiding out/staying in an empty flat/apartment, and were spying on some people. There was also something about diamonds in a teddy bear. Does anyone know the title for this film?


Chosen answer: "A Kid Called Danger" -

Neil Jones

16th Sep 2004

One Hour Photo (2002)

Question: Does the photo at the end with Sy and the family actually happen or is this just Sy imagining what life could have been like with them?


Chosen answer: This is mentioned on the DVD commentary - it's deilberately open ended so one can interpret it as either it's Sy imagining what he wants to happen OR it's what really happened.

Neil Jones

As Neil Jones said, the ending is open for interpretation. However, I think there is reason to believe that Sy imagined the photo. It shows him and the family outside of their house, all looking happy together. Would they want to take such a photo with Sy after the incident at the hotel? And before the incident, they were probably not close enough with Sy that he would be in a photo taken at their home. Him and no other guests/visitors.

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