
3rd Sep 2004

Dr. No (1962)

Question: This encompasses all the Bond films: which Bond movie is it that, in Q's lab, Q replies to some sarcastic comment of 007's: "It [the gadget] has not been perfected after years of careful research for quite that purpose, 007"?

Answer: In Goldfinger, Q says "It has not been perfected, out of years of patient research, ENTIRELY for that purpose, 007. And incidentally, we'd appreciate its return, along with all your other equipment, INTACT for once, when you return from the field."


3rd Sep 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Weekend at Burnsie's - S13-E16

Question: Does any one know what the song is called in the episode "Weekend at Burnsies?" It's the episode with Homer on marijuana, and the song I'm referring to is the 70's sounding one, heard while he's shaving and rainbows come out of his beard.

Answer: It's "Incense and Peppermints" by Strawberry Alarm Clock - 1967.


2nd Sep 2004

Shrek 2 (2004)

Question: A follow-up from a previous question: OK, Best Costume is an Oscar category. However, would the "Costume Designer" for Shrek 2 be eligible to win - given that they didn't design any real costumes, just parts of the animated 3D models?


Chosen answer: Probably not. As stated in the rules (see below), there must be a costume designer who is recognized as such by other costume designers. The Shrek artists are not likely to be considered costume designers. From the official Oscar rules at "To be eligible for the Costume Design Award, the costumes for the picture must have been conceived by a costume designer. It is the intention of this rule to recognize the designing of costumes for their special use in motion pictures. Eligibility shall be determined by the costume designer members of the Art Directors Branch present at a meeting called specifically for that purpose prior to the mailing of nominations ballots."


2nd Sep 2004

Trainspotting (1996)

Question: Was the song "Perfect Day" written for this film, or did it exist previously?


Chosen answer: "Perfect Day" was originally on Lou Reed's album "Transformer" released in 1972.


Question: What is the melody that Frau Blucher plays to calm down the monster?

Answer: It's called "Transylvanian Lullaby" (as they tell you in the film) and was composed for the movie.


1st Sep 2004

The Office (2001)

Show generally

Question: If David Brent is such a poor unresponsible boss and no good at his job as he is portrayed, then how did he get into such a good position of being a branch manager in charge of so many staff?


Answer: In the Christmas specials, David states the documentary crew stitched him up. In other words, he was made to look like an idiot by the way it was put together, but in actuality, he may not have been as bad as the documentary had made out. In addition, it's clear he let his upcoming celebrity status get to his head, something that would not have happened prior to the documentary crew's arrival. At the end of series 1, he mentioned one of his achievements was cutting expenditure without losing any staff.

Chosen answer: This is known as The Peter Principle - the theory that employees within an organization will advance to their highest level of competence and then be promoted to and remain at a level at which they are incompetent.


Question: What is Sam's line at the end of the movie just before Frodo asks "what are we holding onto?" It was something about "How can the world go back to the way it was . . ." or something. Please list THE ENTIRE LINE. Thanks.

Answer: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened. But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. Because they were holding on to something.


29th Aug 2004

X-Men (2000)

Question: How is that powerful telepath Professor Xavier can use Cerebro to find mutants on the other side of the world, yet he does not pick up on Mystique running all over his house in some guise or another? Or Jean Grey, for that matter? Surely they would sense the foreign brainwaves.

Answer: It's hard to find something that you're not looking for. They weren't keeping an eye on the school grounds.


Question: Tolkien never gave any age for Legolas but Peter Jackson did (I think it's 2100 years or so). Where did he get the idea for Legolas' age? Was it just arbitrary or was it based on other evidence (like that Legolas is obviously a younger elf- younger than, say, Elrond or Arwen)?

Answer: We know he must be older than Arwen as she is the last elf born in Middle Earth. She is around 1657 at the beginning of the War of the Rings.


Question: In this movie, Saruman says that orcs were elves once, and were mutilated by the dark forces, but when reading the book I saw no evidence of this. What exactly is the origin of the orcs?

Answer: Orcs are believed to be corrupted elves, but it happened so long ago that they wouldn't mention it in the Ring trilogy. It would most likely be discussed in The Silmarillion.


Answer: In the books, Treebeard says something about Trolls being corrupt Ents, just as Orcs are corrupt Elves.

Brian Katcher

29th Aug 2004

Angel (1999)

Chosen answer: It's a line from the W.B. Yeats poem "The Second Coming" - "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" - sort of a beast/anti-christ on the way sort of thing.


11th Aug 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: No, look here for an extensive history of the character


Question: What was the title of the score that was played after Theoden says "And Rohan will answer" in response to the Beacons of Minas Tirith until the part where the Rohirrim leave Edoras for Gondor? It's a Rohan theme and it seems that it is not in the soundtrack.

Answer: The movie is 201 minutes long, the soundtrack album is at most 74 minutes long. Other than what's on the soundtrack we are not privy to the score to even know if the individual bits have titles.


8th Aug 2004

Never Die Alone (2004)

Question: How do they draw blood from a vein with a syringe, or inject a liquid into somebody's arm or neck? It doesn't appear that the needle is retractable, and you can see the liquid/blood being injected or drawn. If it's a closeup, it could be a fake arm, but many times you can see the person as this is being done. This appears in many movies. Anyone actually know?


Chosen answer: I used to have a "magic trick" syringe - the syringe has a double wall so that there is a tiny space around the outside that actually fills up with fluid from a reservoir in the syringe, the middle of the syringe (majority of the volume) remains empty, but it looks full.


Question: During the 'Bring It On' tryout scene parody, after Sandy-Sue has said "It's just swell to meet all of you", Priscilla says "P A G (or P E G) - I assume you brought a routine?". What does P A G (or P E G) stand for?.?

Answer: She says "Peachy".


28th Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: It's "Song of Hiawatha", Chapter II - The Four Winds, almost to the end, starting with "In his life he had one shadow..."


28th Jul 2004

Matchstick Men (2003)

Answer: He likes to blame non-existant pygmies for bad things that happen.


22nd Jul 2004

Forrest Gump (1994)

Question: I thought I recognised the woman that pushes Forrest in line for the Vietnam veteran demonstration as a cameo of Sandra Bullock, and the woman Jenny as a hippie is playing guitar with (before the guy asks them to go to SF) as a cameo of Lisa Kudrow. Anyone knows whether this is correct?

Answer: The actress you think might be Sandra Bullock is listed as a actress named Hilary Chaplain.

Answer: They are not listed on IMDB as such. Also by 1994, Sandra Bullock's only memorable appearance was Demolition Man (her real popularity started with Speed in 1994), and Lisa Kudrow was only known for the waitress on "Mad About You" - a minor role. Neither would have been a likely choice for a "cameo" role, yet at the same time would probably have charged too much for an extra/walk-on.


19th Jul 2004

ER (1994)

Show generally

Question: What happened to Carol's clinic? It stopped running just after she left, but she wasn't actually running it at that point?

Answer: Carol stopped being involved with the clinic in Season 5 - The Storm (2) so that it wouldn't be shut down because of her "borrowing" some equipment. Her last episode was Season 6 - Such Sweet Sorrow, that's 22 episodes later which would be a long time for a sub-plot to last with none of the major characters having any involvement in it.


20th Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: Which villain is Harry Osborn supposed to become? I know Dr. Connors is the Lizard and Jameson is responsible for bringing Venom into the scene, but what's being hinted at with Harry?

Answer: Harry Osborn is also going to be the Green Goblin - comic book fan sites will refer to this as Green Goblin II. John Jameson finds a red gemstone on the moon that turns him into the Man-Wolf. Spiderman finds the Venom suit/symbiote himself on Battleworld, so that's not John's fault.


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