Zwn Annwn

13th Feb 2006

Octopussy (1983)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie Bond's predecessor is killed in the line of duty while clutching a counterfeit Faberge egg. In an effort to sniff out the counterfeiters Bond attends a Sotheby's event where the real egg is being put up for auction. When bond returns to headquarters, we're told and Bond modestly brags to his superiors that through careful slight of hand he switched his counterfeit egg with the real egg during the bidding process. So the buyer (the bad guy) purchased the fake egg instead. Back at headquarters (after the auction/switch scene) Q inserts a bugging device in what would have to be the real egg. Later in the movie however, the fake egg is destroyed over an argument between the two bad guys which results in the bug being exposed. How did the bug get implanted into the fake egg? Q put the bug into the real egg after Bond came back to headquarters from the auction.

Correction: General Orlov destroyed the real egg. That is why Kamal Khan is so "shocked" when he does it since he wanted to keep the real one. General Orlov believes it is the fake egg though and crushes it.

Zwn Annwn

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