
Corrected entry: Does it strike anyone else as odd that the members of the Fellowship have to tap at the walls outside Moria (extended DVD) to try to find the gates, when the gates have an enormous great tree at either side of them - the two holly trees which are later ripped up by the Watcher and used, along with stones and other rubble, to block the entrance. In the book they never had any trouble finding the door, only making it appear; the holly trees, which were 'larger than any trees of holly that Frodo had ever seen or imagined,' and stood 'like sentinel pilars at the end of the road,' marked the spot even from quite a distance.


Correction: The trees were present in the book also, and yet Gandalf had Legolas and Gimli looking for the door. If you call it a mistake, don't blame the movie, blame the book.


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